Pauling Therapy Formula
Ingredient Comparison
Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid (Hypoallergenic) 5,000 mg 3,000 mg 3,000 mg
L-lysine (Hypoallergenic) 5,000 mg 2,800 mg 2,800 mg
Stevia (Herb for taste) 100 mg 55 mg 55 mg
L-proline (Hypoallergenic) 0 mg 400 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0 mg 25 mg 50 mg
Vitamin A (Palmitate) 0 IU 5,000 IU 8,500 IU
Vitamin E (D-alpha) 0 IU 422 IU 422 IU
L-arginine 0 mg 200 mg 200 mg
Folate 0 mg 400 mg 400 mg
Vitamin B2 (for color) 0 mg 3 mg 3 mg
Taurine 0 mg 0 mg 1,000 mg
CoQ10 0 mg 0 mg 10 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 0 mg 0 mg 1,000 mg
Magnesium chelate 0 mg 0 mg 150 mg
Creatine chelate 0 mg 0 mg 844 mg
Tower Laboratories Corporation - Home of the Original Pauling Therapy Formula for Occlusive Cardiovascular Disease
You asked for it and we now provide it - Side-By-Side Formula and Price Comparisons for Tower's Pauling Therapy formulas CardioAde®, HeartTech®, and Ascorsine-9®.  Tower introduced its original Pauling therapy formula and Lp(a) cholesterol binding inhibitor HeartTech® in 1996.  To meet the growing market and physician demand for additional formulas, Tower added to its lineup two additional Pauling therapy formulas, Ascorsine-9® and CardioAde®.

Each Tower formula contains the Pauling protocol (vitamin C and lysine) for addressing the root cause of occlusive cardiovascular disease, which is chronic scurvy.  However, the different ingredients in each product are designed to address varying stages of the cardiovascular disease process, from prevention and long-term maintenance with our newest and most economical CardioAde formula, to therapeutic with our original HeartTech® formula or therapeutic with added heart-beneficial supplements in our most powerful professional formula Ascorsine-9®, originally formulated for and sold only by physicians. 

With these three powerful Pauling therapy formulas we have attempted to meet the growing demand and specific cardiovascular needs of each of our customers, and our proven positive 12-year track record would appear to confirm the accomplishment of that goal.

Comparison begins on page 2. 
TOLL FREE U.S. 877-869-3752
Pauling Therapy Formula
Price Comparison Per Jar
Suggested Retail $68.57 $56.50 $85.64
Autoship $48.00 $39.55 $59.95
Cost/Day (prevention-1 jar) $.80 1/2 jar 2500 mg/day $1.32 $1.99
Cost/Day (therapeutic-2 jars) $1.60 1 jar 5000 mg/day $2.64 $3.99
Pills Saved/Month 330 480 760
Taste Good Good Good