J. P. C.

Artery Blockages of 97% and 67%, Medicated Stent Implanted

"On Feb 5th 2007, my Dr. stated the LAD was 97% blocked and the Right Coronary artery was blocked 67%. A medicated stent was implanted in the LAD.

On June 26th the Dr. stated the Right Coronary Artery was completely clear and a 10% blockage in the LAD where the stent was implanted. Tower Lab's Ascorsine-9 Pauling-therapy® receives the credit for clearing the RtC Artery. Thanks for a great product that works.

The tests used in determining the % of blockage were Cardiac Catheterization, Coronary and Heart x-rays with a dye injected."
Mary Nike, UK

Mother Diagnosed WIth Blockages and Recommended For Bypass Surgery Until Advanced Carotid Artery Disease Was Also Also Diagnosed

"My mother was about to have a bypass surgery in Nov 2007. She was diagnosed with 3 blocked arteries and needed two replacement valves, the mitral and one other.

They took an xray of the veins in the neck and the specialist at Staffordshire Hospital said that doing the heart was a waste of time. We found your web sites.

She has made a wonderful recovery and now is back in her flat and I am amazed!!!!!


Mary Nike, UK"

Update: April 22, 2008

"My mum is on about 5 to 6 scoops a day (Tower A-9) and the little scoops are inside the pot.

She seems really really well and I am not really believing what I am seeing as the doctors still think she is dying - but no angina attacks and no breathlessness and the sickness was caused by the diabetes tablets metformin - so can I really believe that the vit c clears the arteries - what about the small embolism???

Does this seem too good to be true or does it work!?!

Thanks again

R. M (formerly) of Florida

History of Angina, Advanced Artery Blockage, Strokes, and High Blood Pressure

August 29, 1999

"Since I've been on the Pauling therapy I am walking 2 miles almost every night ...cut my front and back yard without taking long breaks (in the Florida heat and humidity). Mind you I'm no spring chicken and I know my limitations (I don't climb tall buildings, don't run any marathons, fight or push cars), but I am starting to feel real good and am beginning to be able to do things that someone in good health at my age (55) ought to be able to do ... and I know there are guys my age skiing and running marathons ...who knows(?)

Thank you for the good medicine."

March 3, 2000

"I must tell you that since I have been on the therapy for appx nine months, I have been a busy person. Just last week I dug (alone) a hole excavating back from a retaining wall that was slipping due to water run-off. I had a pile of dirt over waiste high to show for my afternoon's work! I also dug a trench back to a point on stable ground where I poured a reenforced concrete piling to which I attached a chain to hold braces on the realigned retaining wall ...know what? The work was fun! I felt like my arms and legs could be used as tools again!!! :-)

Thank you Linus Pauling"


"I was suffering from angina and a serious blockage to the back of my heart in 1998. I found this web site and I have been on Dr. Paulings Vitamin C & Lysine therapy for around six years now. I wish I had known then what I know now about other things. I've had several strokes due to elevated blood pressure and hi blood sugar.

Thankfully, these things are under control now. To vindicate my convictions about the 'Pauling Therapy', the many (and I might add diverse) Echo Cardiograms have revealed on four different occasions ...there are no plaques in my chest, heart or carotid arteries. The last and most comprehensive doppler was what they called a TEE (Transe Esophageal EKG) where a transducer is lowered into the esophagus. Ultrasonic pinging takes very fine pictures of the surrounding vascular system and reveals even minute vascular problems including plaque build-ups of course.

This TEE revealed no plaques (it did reveal a pin-hole between heart valves that they say is no threat...). I need no convincing about Linus Paulings Vitamin C & Lysine discoveries(!)"
Paul DeFerrari, Atlanta GA

History of Heart Attack, Chest Pain, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, and Palpitations

June 2003

"So far so good on the Heart Technology product,  Had to have a EKG last Friday-the heart started palpatating which went on for about 15minutes without let up-it was completely normal.

For the last year and half EKG's were either 'abnormal within normal range' or 'abnormal' -this time completely normal.

That made me smile a bit! Have a follow up with cardiologist in August am sure it will be run again so am curiously waiting to see that result too!

Thought i should at least give you a quick update and promise better detailed one as well if this turn around continues- I have no doubt it will."

Paul DeFerrari

June 2003

Can't begin to tell you how great I have been feeling lately. 3rd month on Tower Heart Technology/Pauling Therapy and the comparision to me this time last year well exceedes a 360' turnaround!!!

I do get an occasional palp or two but they go away quickly. I am also back working out-today for example-threadmill at 3.5mph for 20 minutes a sport art stair stepper for 20 minutes then some weight lifting for another 20-- a year ago this would not have been possible, heck 4 months ago this wouldnt have been possible!!! Most pleased and grateful I am.

Paul DeFerrari

January 2004

"The update is as follows---- I FEEL TERRIFIC!!!!!!! The chest pains are gone. As well as all the classic symptoms of a heart attack. Weight has come down, cholesterol has come down. I have been on a full exercise regimen and I have had nary a problem or 'moment' (mine and Carol's pet name) The last blood work done, except for what my doctor considered a bit high sugar level, was excellent. Blood Pressure has averaged 110/76 for the last 3 months(the doctor cut the Toprol XL dosage in half), cholesterol no higher then 168 total. HDL is still low at 34 but I have not taken Niacin which was suggested-I figure the longer I exercise it will slowly get back up to a good level. It is so nice to feel whole again! Not having to feel the heart beat, or suffering palpitations that takes your breath away every 5 minutes or so, the tightness, the 'symptoms' of a heart attack 24 hrs a day 7 days a week!!

I am very grateful for finding Heart Technology, you, and people who have come before me, that tried the product and have had success in regaining their health also! Here's to continued good health!!!!"
J. M.

Symptoms of Heart Disease

"I really love the (HeartTechnology) product and tell everyone about it. I also have informed my Dr. and he just said "Oh, your heart must have formed a natural by-pass." He wouldn't even read the literature,,,,,,too bad for him and the rest of his patients."

Diagnosed With Coronary Artery Blockages in 1998

"I have been taking Heart Technology for 5 years since I was diagnosed as having heart disease. My last angiogram shows no progression in those blockages. Credit must be given to Heart Technology™."
Pauline (Sarah) Sowders

History of Quadruple Bypass in 2002 for Diagnosed Coronary Artery Disease With Difficult Recuperation and Problems on Cholesterol Medications

"My name is Pauline (Sarah) Sowders. I am 62 years old and had quadruple heart bypass surgery March 2002. Had incredibly difficult time recuperating. Disagreed with my doctor on treatment regarding statin drugs. My problems with statins were muscle cramps, severe joint pain, stomach pain, depression and nerve problems which finally caused me to take a medical leave from my job this past March. Some time ago a friend recommended taking the following supplements instead of prescription drugs:

Fish Oil Pills 1,000 mg - 6/day
Red Yeast Rice 600 mg - 4/day
Vitamin E 400 mg - 1/day
Folic Acid 400 mg  - 2/day

I felt no significant change.

Sept 1st of this year I found the following statement on a web site (can't remember where but thank GOD!). "Try this - guaranteed to lower cholesterol at least 18% in six weeks." . . . Vitamin C . . . L-Lysine, . . . CoQ10.

I began taking this combo in addition to the Fish Oil etc. on Sept 12 of this year. I'm not sure if the fish oil regimen in combination with the vit. C made a difference or if it was just the Vitamin C regimen. But, after only two weeks I began feeling like a new person. For the first time in years I wanted to do things that I had to force myself to do only a few days before. I began cleaning, cooking, sewing, working in the yard - just could not figure out how to work everything into each short day. I actually enjoy getting up in the morning.

I found the Tower Heart Technology™ web site a few days after I discovered this vitamin C stuff works. Really was having trouble swallowing 24 vitamin pills per a plus a blood thinner and baby aspirin. My regimin is now as follows: (so simple)

Two scoops Heart Tech in A.M., 2 fish oil capsules, 1 CoQ10,
Two scoops Heart Tech in P.M., 2 fish oil capsules.
Have stopped the blood thinner and baby aspirin. (NO MORE BRUISES! THANK YOU LORD!)

My blood test results from May 2004 and October 2004 follow. (LDL dropped from 203 to 161 and total cholesterol dropped from 290 to 248).

I had been off statin drugs for approximately 3 months before each test. The October test was done after being on vitamin C for one month. Both my doctor and I were thrilled about the latest test results, until he discovered that I was not taking any prescription drugs, at which time he said, "Youre playing Russian roulette you know." Maybe so, but I doubt it. I feel wonderful and the proof is in the puddin."
Ralph Shrank, Wisconsin

History of !00% Blockage of the LAD and Subsequent Triple Bypass in 1986.  Recurrence of Chest Pain Years Later.  Angina Continues With Concurrent Fiber.

March 2002

"I am age 58. At age 42 I had a triple by-pass after my Left-Anterior Decending coronary artery was found to be 100% blocked. I credit EDTA Chelation with then saving my life.

I have started the Pauling Therapy a couple of months ago, now 17 years after the surgery, and so far my angina continues during/after "moderate" exertion, and also when first lying in bed [ usually after a heavy meal ]. But I'm very committed to seeing this Pauling therapy process to at the least a fair [i.e. six tub ] trial. I understand and also believe what I've "studied" re: this "stuff" We'll simply have to wait and see.

P.s. I have been taking Heart Technology along with a high fiber product, and my cholesterol has dropped 100 points. But I am worried that perhaps the fiber has leached onto some of the components in HT. In the future, I will take these products at different times of the day to avoid interference and see whether that improves efficacy for Angina."

September 2003
Update After Stopping the Fiber with Vitamin C/lysine

"The Pauling powder as I like to refer to it continues to amaze me. As an 18 year veteran of bypass surgery I confound my doctor with my health. No chest pains whatsoever when using the powder regularly! I'll say a prayer for my doctor at his funeral. [He's younger by 8-10 years so I'm safe in saying this!] Go Packers, crush da Bears!!"
"Well, I don't know that there is a need for a randomized prospective, double blind controlled trial when you get evidence of this sort, the value of large intakes of vitamin C and also of lysine for preventing the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques, and preventing death from cardiovascular disease." 

- Linus Pauling, Unified Theory Lecture, 1993
Carol Smith, Longview,

History of Severe Inoperable
Coronary Artery Disease.  Told
By Doctors in 1996 To
"Get Her Affairs In Order"

July 23, 2001

"According to the Doctors the main artery is very bad and they cannot do a bypass.  Two years ago the main artery closed and I had a 2nd heart attack with damage this time.  My heart was in the process of doing a bypass on the blockage when the heart attack happened.  The Doctors said that was what saved my life but I would have to learn to live with angina for the rest of my life.  After taking the Tower Heart Technology for 3 weeks, I have more energy and no chest pains.  LIFE IS GREAT.  I ran out and I want that feeling back.  I hate chest pains.

"Now I just need to get & keep enough Heart Technology on hand.  I started with 1 Heart Technology jar and then ordered a second one on autoship.  I know that it is helping and I was taking 1 heaping tablespoon every 12 hours.  I am almost out and have cut down to a tablespoon a day until my next order comes.  (I hope it is soon.) I am dealing with angina again since I cut back on the Heart Technology and would like to go back to two glasses a day or maybe 3. I know I can tolerate 2 heaping Tablespoons a day, haven’t tried 3 yet.

Thank you and advice or suggestions are appreciated.

Carol Smith"

July 2001

"I woke up this morning with tightness & angina pain in the chest (no fun) This product really does make a difference.  Back to the Nitro patches & Nitro pills until I can get on the Heart Technology again.  I AM OUT Please send out my next order as soon as possible.  Sending 3 jars a month would be fine.  Thank you for getting back to me so soon.  Yes, you can post this on the testimonials page.

Carol Smith"

August 3, 2001

"I am hoping that the angina pain and tightness will go away now that I am on the drink mix again.  I was out of the drink mix for almost 10 days and the angina came back very bad.  I had to go back to using the nitro patches daily and some days the nitro pills.  I did buy and start taking the lysine, Vitamin C, & E twice a day as pills, but I still had to use the nitro patches.  The pills helped but did not totally do away with the chest pains, tightness.

"By the way, I called and got the results of the Lp(a) test. I scored a 10 and that was only after being on the Tower Heart Technology for 2 weeks.  My Cholesterol is 159 and bad LDL chol is 98.  (Doctor is very happy with the results) but they still do not know how to make the angina go totally away.  They said I am on as much medicine as they can safely prescribe.  I will just have to slow down and live with it.  They just don’t know about the Pauling therapy and what good it can do.  I am going to take 2 level teaspoons 3 times daily.

Thank you for all your concerns and help.

Carol Smith"

March 11, 2003

"I have some really great news to share with you from my appointment with my Heart specialist.  He informed my husband and me that my heart is in better shape now than it was 3 1/2 years ago.  He told me to keep doing whatever I was doing because it was working.  Guess what I had been doing?  Using the Tower Heart Technology (Pauling Therapy) product.  It REALLY WORKS.

"There was such a great improvement that the doctors who reviewed my file with my specialist were amazed.  The damaged main artery that had closed during my 2nd heart attack had opened back up and the doctor said it was no longer damaged and is healthy.

"Let me explain, I had my first heart attack 8 1/2 years ago.  I was very lucky I was in the hospital when I started having a massive heart attack.  The left main artery had a 90% blockage and decided to close.  When they had stabilized me, they performed a Heart catheterization.  It must have been serious enough because the next thing I knew I was in an ambulance being transferred to the best Heart hospital in the area.  They performed the balloon process and then had to (rotor-rooter) the calcified blockage.  Three weeks later scar tissue formed and the blockage came back and I started having terrible chest pains.

"I was brought back in and they ran some more tests and the Doctor informed me that the left artery was so bad that they could not do a bypass.  He said we needed a miracle and to start praying, that it was in God’s hands and I needed to get my affairs in order and that I had approximately one year or less to live.  I got my miracle.  My heart started doing a bypass around the blockage by creating collaterals (tiny veins).

"Three and 1/2 years later on June 5, 1999, I had my 2nd heart attack, but because my heart was in the process of completing the bypass around the left main artery blockage, the Doctor told me that was what had saved my life.  I had all these collaterals providing blood to my artery.

"It was at this point in my life that I found the Tower Heart Technology product (based on Linus Pauling’s recommendations).  It has made all the difference in the world.  After taking the Tower Heart Technology for 3 weeks, I no longer had any chest pains and I also had more energy and I was feeling great.

"Well don’t make the mistake that I made.  I was feeling so great and memory of the heart attack and chest pains had vanished.  I could do everything I had been able to do before the heart attacks so I stopped using the Heart Technology product.  Big Big mistake.

"On 1/24/03 I had my 3rd heart attack.  I had been doing really great while I was on the Tower Heart formula and I truly believe that if I had continued to take the Heart Technology I never would have had this 3rd heart attack.

"Since my last heart attack, I have been in and out of the hospital with chest pains, not able to go back to work, tired all the time, taking lots of medicines and wearing Nitro patches 20 hours a day and taking oxygen when needed for the chest pains.  The doctors found that I had 2 blockages and I was put on a waiting list for a Medical Stent.  THE DOCTORS SAID THAT WAS MY ONLY OPTION.  From my research Medical Stents are not the answer.  The Pauling Therapy Heart Technology products are.

"Well I am now back on the Tower Heart Technology product it has only taken 3 weeks, the chest pains have stopped, I have energy, I have stopped using the nitro patches and oxygen and I have returned to work 20 hours a week.  I am now on a low fat diet and exercising on our treadmill 1 to 2 miles a day and NO CHEST PAINS.  This product really works!!!!!  and I will never ever stop using it again.

. . . Dr. Linus Pauling’s recommendations/Tower Heart Technology product have saved my life.

Thank you

Carol Smith"

June 19, 2003

"Just a note to let you know that I saw my heart specialist and he said the EKG showed no evidence of any heart damage.  Amazing isn’t it!!  You were right.  I will email you more later, have to leave for work in a few minutes.  Life is great.

Carol Smith"

February 23, 2007

"How am I doing, is a very good question.  According to my heart specialist that I saw 5 days ago, not good.  He was ready to put me in the hospital and do another angiogram and put another stent or two in.  I refused and he put me on ISOSORBIDE 40MG TAB twice a day plus 0.06 nitro patch every morning to be taken off at bedtime.  He said it was a temporary fix and gave me two weeks until he said I would be back in touch agreeing to the stent.  I believe that the prescription isosorbide is supposed to dilate all my arteries, veins, etc.  to get more blood circulating to my heart and stop the chest pains.

"According to my heart doctor, the medicated stent he put in was the wrong size, but it was the only size he had to use to save my life.  That was last July (7 months ago).  He was very proud of how well he did with getting it in place.  The problem now is that the ends of the stent are putting too much pressure on the artery and one or both ends are trying to close off and the only option we have is to put another stent in at the ends of the small stent.  He said I am running out of options of what they can do.  Bypass is not an option.

"I am sitting here with my heart racing (pounding), tightness, shoulders and arms aching, nausea, pain in my back, and very shaky waiting for the isosorbide to work.  This is basically what I deal with every day.  Some days are worse than others; some days I can go to work and other days I am hooked up to oxygen.

"I have been out of the Tower Ascorsine-9 (Pauling therapy) product until a friend stopped by with a jar just before I started this email to you.  I immediately mixed two heaping tablespoons of A-9 in a glass of water and I am waiting for it to help.  This A-9 jar is 9 months old but I am hoping it might still help.  I know how old it is because I had given it to her for her husband, he never tried it.  I figure it is not as powerful as it would be new but I know it will help.  "It has been about an hour now after taking the A-9, and the shakiness, racing, pounding are gone.  Still have a little nausea, tightness and aching in my shoulders, but I am so much better.

"I gave notice & I am [personal data deleted - basically, money is tight]

"I thought I remembered reading that having a medicated stent & taking the Tower products would be a waste of money.  I had fought against stents & medicated stents every time my doctor mentioned them and always said NO but my family said yes to save my life.  I am very glad to be alive but I need help.

"I know that Tower Heart Technology works but do you think it can still work as well since I now have a medicated stent in?  It definitely seems to be helping today with my heart.

"I am going to end and go lay down and rest and hook up the oxygen and see if I can get the rest of the tightness and aching to go away.

Sorry this is so long.

Take care,


February 24, 2007

"The A-9 made a difference and helped stop the really bad angina I had this morning.  I did end up with diarrhea from the A-9 but it was worth it to stop the pain.  I took the isosorbide pill, Nitro patch, oxygen and the A-9 to stop it.

"As far as my history, in January 2003 had 3rd heart attack and we talked and you told me about A-9 & Unique E.  After 3 months on these I had an EKG done and it showed Normal.

"I continued with the A-9 and the Unique E until the early part of 2005 and life was very good.

"I had been in contact with Matthew from A. C. Grace who sells the Unique E product.  He was interested in my EKG results.  Over time he shared with me ideas about healing your complete body by using special herbs & supplements.  I believed what we had done for my heart with the A-9 & Unique E was wonderful and I wanted to have my whole system, liver, kidneys, adrenal, lungs, heart & colon as healthy as possible.  So I started following a program to heal that he recommended.  I was taking about 50 pills a day which did not include my meds.  I wanted to get off all my meds and believed it was possible.

"At that point something had to give and I stopped taking the Tower A-9 and Unique E until we finished the program which ended in the summer, 2005.

"I felt really good, had more energy than I knew what to do with.  But by then I was totally burned out on taking pills & supplements.  And my husband said I had to stop spending so much money on all these supplements and since I was feeling GREAT I did not anticipate a problem.

"Since I had gotten out of the habit of taking A-9 faithfully, I took it hit and miss.  YOU would think I would know better.  But I really believed that with everything I did up to now that I was in really good shape and my heart was totally healed.

"In March 2006, I started having angina again but this time the A9 didn’t seem to make a difference.  My Heart specialist suggested an angiogram procedure and possibly a stent.  I said NO. So then he suggested the EECP 35-day program along with Cardio Rehab 3 times a week, which was what I was doing until July 2006 when they put a medicated stent in to save my life.

"I had not been taking the A-9 since it hadn’t seemed to be helping and the EECP staff had asked that I not be taking Vitamin C and supplements during the 35 day program and I was following their & my Doctor’s instructions.

"I have only one stent in and no bypass surgery.  I have fought for the last 12 years to not have any surgery or stents put in.  Bypass surgery is not an option for me according to my heart specialist.  He said he is running out of options for what he can do for me.  I think I have heard that one before.

"By the way, I have had lots of dental work done thru the years and 3 or 4 root canals, etc., so I am concerned that they can cause toxicity you warned me about.  Last year when I finally had 100% duel coverage I maxed out and had as much as I could done & replaced with the new non toxic products.

"I also have on hand Omega 3-6-9 flaxseed oil and I buy organic flaxseed from the health food store and grind it up and use it on all my green salads & food but I ran out of CoQ10.  Sounds like I need to buy some.  It was so expensive at our health food store.  "All these supplements add up and pretty soon especially with the cost of my heart meds, there is just not enough money to cover it all.


February 2007

"Where to start.  The 2 heaping tablespoons of Tower Ascorsine-9 that I took yesterday really did help to stop the tightness when the prescription Isosorbide pill & nitro patch didn’t seem to be making much of a difference [reducing the pain] until I took the Tower A-9.

"I had been warned by my Heart specialist that the isosorbide pills and nitro patches were only a very temporary fix and very shortly they would not make any difference in stopping the angina.  He said I needed an angiogram and one to two more stents put in as soon as possible.  I would love to prove him wrong.  I made it thru last night and this morning so far with no tightness.

"Okay, let's see how good my memory is and update you.  First, I am still doing better than when I first made contact with you.  (I was then 47.) At that time I was hurting so bad that I could barely walk from my bed to our living room without needing to sit down and rest & wait for the angina to let up.  I would be totally exhausted & hurting & very weak and yes, my heart specialist had told me to get my affairs in order that I had 6 months to a year to live.

"It's been twelve years since he told me that.  Luckily I made contact with you and started the Pauling therapy and found out that I didn’t need to hurt any longer, the angina was gone. I felt so much better and went out and got a part-time job to help with all of our bills.  "The Tower product worked so well that I believed that I was cured and money was really tight so I stopped taking Heart Technology and about 6 months or so later had another Heart Attack.  At that time we spoke and I started on the stronger Tower Ascorsine-(A-9) and added 2000 iu Unique E. About 3 months later my EKGs were normal.  "Well, sitting here doing nothing the Angina has returned and is getting bad, I need to go take the Tower A-9 and see if it will help as it did yesterday.  I am radiating tightness from my chest into my shoulders & down my arms, also up into my neck and into my back.  I feel very weak, and aching all over.  I need go lay down.  I will continue with this email as soon as I feel better.


February 27, 2008

"When I saw the Doctor and learned the pain was from inflammation not a blockage I said NO to another stent, there had to be a better alternative. Was I scared, YES but I knew that the [Product Name]® had always stopped the angina before, but didn't understand why it wasn't this time. I knew I need help, and you were there for me. Of course, the answer turned out to be adding a whole lot more vitamin C around the clock plus wearing Nitro patches and taking oxygen and becoming friends with the bathroom. I slowly got better and knew I had made the right decision. If the first medical stent was responsible for what was happening to me, then how would putting in two more help? My Doctor wasn't sure how long the two stents would help, the last one lasted 6 months before I started having problems. It might be just compounding the problem.  "Well I made it, I am fine NO NITRO PATCHES, NO NITRO PILLS, NO OXYGEN, I have my life back, I feel great and I don't hurt!!! I truly believe that the Ascorsine 9 product is the reason. I wasn't getting enough in my system and the inflammation flare up due to the medical stent caused my problem. I am so Thankful for all your help. My blood pressure is back to being in normal ranges again. 128/70 to 110/66.

Carol Smith"

Update June 17, 2008:

"Well I had my Doctor appointment this morning to discuss the results of all the tests my doctor had ordered done. The good news is that everything was in normal ranges... His words were "You have no kidney or liver damage and also NO nerve damage to your eyes or feet which is pretty amazing considering that you have been a diabetic for almost 50 years." He said to keep doing whatever I have been doing because it is working and then he said "WOW". It made me feel good. Blood pressure was 112/60 68 and my heart is behaving again, and I am doing great.  "Of course, he did bring up the fact that he wished I would consider taking Cholesterol pills. I asked WHY? since my test results were all very good. He just said that "it is a benefit for all patients to be on Cholesterol pills." I just smiled and said Cholesterol isn't the bad guy, cholesterol didn't cause my last two heart attacks, and I will not take any Cholesterol meds. I don't need them and he didn't argue with me. I truly believe that if I wasn't taking the high-dose Vitamin C in the Tower Laboratories products and the Unique E, I would not have received these great results again. Tower Ascorsine-9 and Unique E are an unbeatable team to good health and every Diabetic and heart patient should be faithfully taking them.

Carol Sinclair, Honolulu

Diagnosed With Coronary Artery
Disease in 2006 and Recommended
for Bypass Surgery. 

"I did start with the Rath vitamins, but found the Heart Technology formula (almost the same) was easier to take. I have a hard time swallowing pills.   I have been on this adventure (looking for a cure on my own) for about 3 years.  I  have been taking the Vitamin C and etc for 6 months.  Three with Rath's combos and 3 with the Heart Technology formula.  I am so exited about this...

"The Picture was taken in 2005... I was happy to get back on my bike for a short ride.  I suppose I am Hawaii's oldest female rider.  I just ride with friends and family on Sunday when I get brave... I am on coumadin, so I must be careful....  My doc would plotz if he saw this picture.  ha ha.. This was one year after an ablation for afib.  I felt ok, but I knew I had to do something about the cardiovascular problem...but what?????  I sort of gave up on the afib problem.... I figured I would just live for the moment because that's all I had.  Then late in 2006 I found Dr. Rath's book... and Dr. Linus Pauling's work.  Wow... I started slow, then went the whole route in 2007.  Had to deal with the coumadin and my cardio Doctor...  When I have a quiet moment tomorrow I will try to piece this all together for you.  Looks like Cholesterol is not the real culprit.. so simple...it's lack of Vit C...bottom line!  smile...


February 2, 2008

" . . . I think my doctor assumes that my reversal was caused by exercise and diet... it wasn't..  I eat anything I want to and the only exercise I get is walking for a few minutes between offices at work... It will be difficult for me to get any testimonial from him. But I will write a little one for you anyway.  I had another follow-up yesterday and my numbers were really good.. My LDL had gone down about 30 points.  It was sky high because of the plaque being sloughed off by the protocol... but I guess that's over since my heart is clear, and I can go on a maintenance dose.  Dr. Rath (a friend and colleague of Linus Pauling) points out that cholesterol tests go way up while taking Vic  C, L-lysine and L-proline... It causes a false high reading.  My last false LDL reading was about 167....out of a total of 240 or so.  I felt good about it even tho it was upside down because knew the Heart protocol was working.  But my Dr. was horrified and wanted me to take a statin drug.. I didn't.  I believe he feels that vitamins are not the answer.  He told me he doesn't care how this is happening, just to keep it happening.  He doesn't want to hear about Heart Technology.  Aurghhh!!! 

". . . I'm still taking Coumadin for the AFIB. I will have an echo cardiogram in May to see if the atrium has returned to it's original size... I think he [my doctor] will be surprised.  Without the plaque, everything might heal.  smile   I am taking extra L-proline for the Lone AFIB because I read a testimony, on one of Linus Paulings sites, stating that it cured that too... so since it's non-toxic that's my next adventure..  At this time my heart remains "un-blocked", all my arteries are clean.  Yay!!!  I will have another nuclear test in 9 months.  That will be very interesting.


UPDATE - June 18, 2008

"I had an echocardiogram last monday..and went for the follow-up today.... WELLLL.. my Cardiologist says that all my valves are functioning perfectly... He seemed surprised... on top of that... my heart is no longer enlarged... it has gone back to normal size.   Just thought that might be some good news to pass along to millions of people... I am going to ask his assistant if she can get my records for me.  Everyone in the my cardiologist's office is excited about this.  I guess you can call me "Timex" or "Old Iron Sides".. ha ha.  Soooo next it’s the Afib.. He says that That even looks better... won't kill me.  Sooooo the only medicine I am taking for my heart is Coumadin... the blood thinner... mainly for the Afib, which could make a blood clot if I didn't take the thinner.   Did I mention that my dad died from Cardiovascular disease, had an irregular heart beat, a pacemaker, an enlarged heart, ... and eventually died from a massive stroke?

Gordon Bell

Runner Diagnosed with Heart Disease  and Considering Chelation Therapy

"A few days before I was re-examined by the Cardiologist, I began taking the Ascorsine 9. He found me in good shape and said to resume running, which I did last week. On Sunday while visiting San Diego I went to the zoo by the tram which involved a lot of walking and for the first time some steep inclines. I was with a walking partner who walked briskly, so all in all it was quite a work out. Not once did I have any difficulty.

I don't know if switching to powder over the pills is a factor or the modality in general is the cause for my great improvement - but I do feel to at least some degree the Ascorsine 9 is more effective as it goes into the blood stream more quickly and effectively.

The running was a bit difficult however gets easier each time, which I attribute solely to conditioning. I am scheduled for a stress test on July 14th, as this was not scheduled as I thought it would be for the visit on June 3rd. I am a VA patient and so things are somewhat different there, however it is connected to Stanford which has a good reputation and the doctors are open minded to support me in the alternative route. In fact a second doctor came in to discuss nutritients for the heart more as an exchange than anything else. I feel they are personally interested in what I am doing.

I was scheduled to begin Chelation (EDTA) and now wonder if the formula alone might just be sufficient. Do you have any experience on this? I'm feeling so good, that I was thinking of foregoing the process at least for this purpose (cardio) and at this time.

I also wonder if pulling back the dosage to two tablespoons twice per day is where I should be at this point, as I was going through a jar a week."
Bob Francis, Long Valley, New Jersey

Recommended for Triple Bypass Surgery

"I was recommended for a triple bypass in Aug 2000". I did not have the surgery. I have been on the Pauling Therapy for one year. I have no angina at all and walk an hour a day."
Debbie Haney
[email protected]

Husband With a History of Chest Pain and Peripheral Artery Stents

"I ordered a case of the Heart Technology formula from you a few months ago. We spoke on the phone. I ordered the product for my husband for his angina chest pain. And his pain was almost nightly after removal of a nitro patch. When he began the product, I asked him to make a note of chest pain and we'll see how long this product takes to kick in.

I am so happy to report that he has not had one chest pain since he began using the product! I am using it, too and the sense of well-being I feel is unbelievable. You ought to sell this as an anti-depressant, not just a heart healthy drink.

I also want to report that my husband had stents put in his legs (he was clogging up everywhere) a few months before we discovered your product. The heart technology powder had no adverse effects on the stents. Thank goodness

I have two nieces in high stress situations that resulted in panic attacks and bouts of depression. They have each been using your product for a few weeks and both of them feel better, too. One niece even told me everyone in her office got sick with a cold but her! She attributed it to your product. Finally, they believe me!

Thank you."
Eli Raber, Blackville, South Carolina

History of Severe Inoperable Coronary Artery Disease. 

February 2001

"My name is Eli Raber, Blackville, SC. Let me tell what "Heart Technology" is doing for me.

In December 1996 I had a heart cath and was told that the arteries in my heart are severely blocked. One side is completely blocked, the other side is from 70 to 90% blocked. I was told it is not advisable to operate, that there is too much blockages at too many places. I was told all they could do is medicate me until I pass on. (He used a kinder term).  I was living with angina pain every day, hardly able to go.

In January 1997, I started using "Heart Technology" and after about a week and a half I noticed I did not have any more angina pain. (I have had a little angina pain one time back in April, 1997, I believe the reason for that was because I cut back on the dosage too soon.) I increased it back to the usual dosage of 2 jars a month and have had no more problem. I have cut back to some amount over 1 jar a month after 6 month and don't seem to have any problems. Praise the Lord! I feel like a different person, I forget that I ever had heart problems.

In December 1997 I took the "Nuclear Cardiac Stress Test" and had no sign of chest pain. It seems the Cardiologist lost interest in my case, (When the goose that laid the golden eggs died,) all he told me after I finally tracked him down was, everything is satisfactory come see me in a year. I have not been back to see him since. 

I am convinced "Heart Technology" saves lives."
F. M., Iowa

History of Heart Disease Symptoms

"I started slow and built up to the three tablespoons a day.  What a difference a week makes.  I can actually feel it working.  The third day I was starting to feel better. Today I ground a load of feed without many of the symptoms.  I have a way to go, but this is the right track. My tolerance is ok.

I was wondering if I could increase the dosage anymore?  Presently, I am taking three tablespoons of Heart Technology." [9 g vitamin C, 4.5 g lysine]"
Jeffrey Fenlason

Ten-Year History of Severe Coronary Artery Disease WIth Bypass Surgery and Recurring Inoperable Blockages with Chronic Angina

"My name is Jeffrey Fenlason. I'm 55 years old and I have had Cardiovascular/Coronary Artery Disease or CVA for 10 years. Within two days after starting the high vitamin C/lysine Pauling Therapy (14 g vitamin C) I felt like a new man. Here is my story.

I was first diagnosed with CVA in 1990 at the VA hospital in Richmond VA. In 1991, four of my arteries were by-passed. After the operation I was in worse condition than before it; I had angina daily and took oral nitro almost every day. The angina lessened after a year and it was possible for me to go days without the nitro for almost 7 years.

In 1998 after moving to North Carolina my chest pains returned on a regular basis so I went back on the pills and then was on a daily time release Nitro. I had resigned myself to the fact that there was nothing that would improve my condition even though I was on several medications to help relieve my angina.

On June 20, 2001 I had three episodes of severe chest pains and went to the hospital. They kept me over night and ran the usual test to determine if I was having a heart attack. (I had been through this experience many times in the past.) The next day I went home with all new meds and an appointment for stress test the following Tuesday; I was also placed on a Nitro patch .4 mg an hour that I could only wear for 12 hrs a day. Within an hour of removing the patch I would again need to take oral Nitro pills.

I was back in the hospital early Monday morning, I was in constant pain even after several oral nitro pills. After the first test the doctor told me I was having a heart attack.  I was admitted to the ICU and setup for a heart cath the next morning. After the cath the doctor told me that two of my four bi-passes were entirely blocked and that the disease had progressed to the point that it was inoperable. Also the third graft was partially blocked and he wanted to do the balloon angioplasy to try to open it.

A deep depression sank in immediately. I stayed in the hospital until Thursday and then returned home with all new meds. Now I was on 50MG TOPROL XL, 60GR ISOSORBIDE ER, 50MG ALTACE and 40mg of LIPITOR. You can look these up on line, I did so Friday morning and I wasn't impressed with what the doctor ordered to treat my condition. While sitting there at the computer, feeling really defeated, I ask half out loud, "GOD IS THERE ANOTHER ANSWER! THIS CAN'T BE HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE."

That is when I did a search for CAV; the first site I went to was www.paulingtherapy.com. I called the 1-800 number after reading everything on the site and left a message. Within a very short time I received a call from Owen. He explained to me the Linus Pauling therapy. I started taking the cure that day.

I was to be in Charlotte for the balloon on Monday morning, but I overslept (for the first time in years I will add) and was awakened by a call from the hospital. I was already an hour late and they wanted to know if I was coming or would reschedule. I told them I would reschedule. Then I went back to sleep (another thing I hadn't done in years). Again the phone woke me. This time I was told, if I could make it in less than an hour and a half they could still do the angioplasty procedure. I thanked them for the offer, but told them I would rather reschedule. I was then told how important it was for me to get this operation done. I still haven't called to reschedule.

Within two days after this call I felt like a new man. My friends started saying things like "WOW you look great" or "Man I haven't seen you this active in months" I had previously stayed home a lot when my wife went visiting. The most common words out of my mouth had been "I'm tired." Well, since taking the Pauling therapy I am not tired all the time. After only a week I stopped taking the Meds that the doctor had prescribed when I left the hospital. It has only been 12 days sinse I started and I DO NOT HAVE ANY CHEST PAIN.

If that isn't proof enough for anyone with CVA to start taking Paulings therapy, then check back as I will be updating this report often. In the mean time GOOD LUCK!

P.S. - Another startling occurrence in the last week, I have had joint pain in both hips for years and I have tried many treatments for the pain. It was just difficult walking around Wal-Mart. Well, for the past 5 or 6 days I have had no pain in either hip and I am walking quite a bit. And, no, I am not taking any type of pain pills.

July 17, 2001

"Hi everyone, this is Jeff Fenlason again, and this has been one fantastic day. I started working on our lawn tractor, it has been out of service for months with a broken front spindle, at 8:30 this morning. I got it fixed and started mowing about 10:00. It felt really good to be out in the yard working, as this is some thing I haven't been able to do for some time now, hence the broken tractor sitting for months.

Well we have about two acres, one of which is pasture for the horse. We have an electric fence around the pasture, which has been turned off because I couldn't use the push mower to mow the grass from under the wire. In case you are unfamiliar with electric fencing you need to keep the grass mowed or it can start a fire in dry weather. Well anyway as I said this hadn't been done all season and the grass was above the lower wire. Also the cows in the adjoining pasture broke through the wire sense it wasn't turned on. After mowing with the tractor for about an hour I decided to use the push mower to finish cleaning out the grass. This was three sides of an acre lot, enough to tire a healthy 55-year-old man, but I mowed most of it myself. Most people wouldn't think twice about mowing their yard let alone post it on the Internet, but remember I couldn't walk to the barn and back less than three weeks ago. This is really unbelievable for less than a month. I felt so good that it occurred to me that one or more of my blocked arteries must have cleared considerably.

I thought I would try to shock my wife a little. I told her I had something to show her and asked her to sit on the back steps. She did and I walked across the pasture to where the lawnmowers were, several hundred feet. I then turned around and jogged back to where she was sitting. The look on her face was priceless to say the least. When I got to where she was she said "You jogging?" and then took my pulse, it was 60 beats a min. I was a little out of breath but no pain. Who wouldn't be out of breath jogging across a pasture in NC at noontime in July?

I have a feeling there going to be a lot of unemployed cardiologists.
About 4:00 we took a shower and drove to the lake to go fishing. I have been several times in the past two and a half weeks. I am really enjoying the walk into our fishing spot. We returned home around 9:00 and had a light meal, including catfish. We spent about an hour sitting outside and talking about how great it was to be able to do things together again. Then we did what any healthy married couple does, sorry, I felt this was important or I wouldn't have mentioned it. As I said what a day. Remember I had a heart attack just three weeks ago.


Update January 29, 2008

"Next month I will be 62 and I feel and look better than I did when I was 50.  I am more active than I have been in years. People often tell me how much younger I look than my age. Very soon I will be remarried. My fiancé is not yet 20 years-of-age, we are very much in love and we have been going out for 2 years. She wants to have children, and after months of saying no I have decided to become a start-over-dad at age 62 and plan to live to see my children grow.  If a man in the shape that I was in can turn his life around in just a few years, then those who are not on their death beds should be able to achieve even more with vitamin C and a few life changes. Please be advised that we have decided not to become a media attraction."

Father With History of Coronary Artery Disease, Bypass, and Recurring Blockages.

"My father was going down fast about a year after a bypass, when the bottom vessels of the heart started clogging up. With two Nitro patches plus oral nitro, he was barely able to shuffle in the hospital for cardiac rehab evaluation. He figured there was no point even trying, after seeing what was there, and how bad he was.

On suggestion by Dr. Robert Cathcart that he look at PaulingTherapy.com, he started taking (the Pauling therapy). 

In two weeks, he WALKED in, almost a new man. Some two years later, he took the stress test again, and beat the hospital records. Several other doctors are now taking it themselves, but only one has recommended it to his patients. That doctor reported to my father that he had seen another patient barely able to shuffle in, and turned his condition around simply by suggesting that he might try (the Pauling therapy), as there was nothing else to try."
Alan Oliver, Australia

History of Coronary Artery Disease, Double Bypass Surgery, and Statin Use

Greetings from Australia,

While 2 scoops a day of (Tower) Ascorsine-9 have been my tolerance limit, I have to say that there is a spring in my step already.

For the past eight months I have not accompanied my wife on our usual walk before breakfast because that would flatten me for the rest of the day.

Now I can walk with her, and not like a 'little old man' and it doesn't wreck the day.

I also walk about 5km later and now I can do that far easier, and with a bit of drive without resenting having to walk just to keep fit.

Well done team!

My history. Twelve years ago I had a double bypass operation to deal with major blockages of the cardiac arteries. I began taking statins about six months earlier after the first consultation with the cardiologist. Within a month of the operation I became quite weak and a blood test showed that almost every blood component was far below normal; for example I had hardly any testosterone and no iron stores. Iron supplements fixed the iron within a few weeks.

Over the past eight years I have complained of a lack of energy, and eventually breathing difficulties when walking and bending to pick things up off the floor. I could still manage to walk 9km about four times a week on flat ground.

In late January - February this year I had what were eventually categorised as mild heart attacks. An angiogram showed the heart was the same as before the bypass, and the third artery which didn't figure in the bypass (it is behind the heart) is blocked as are the extremities of the other arteries. The opinion was that there was no surgical action as a practical option.

Given that I had taken statins for almost 13 years I figured I had nothing to lose by stopping. I considered a number of options such as HT and here I am.

Since the bypass I have described my condition as mostly dead, and I have revised that since stopping the statins.

What is strange is that the prevailing medical opinion was that there must be an underlying cause, and none sought that cause.

My late daughter had a congenital heart defect - Eisenmenger's Complex- a hole in the heart and pulmonary hypertension. I have a similar but smaller hole in my heart and a leaky valve which she apparently inherited from me. The Cardiologist does not think these are the source of my condition. Whatever, I think I am on track now."
Jim S.

Uncle With History of Three Heart Attacks

"You may want to know that I put my uncle on the formula a mere 10 days ago and his cardiologist did an EKG and called him up, excitedly, telling him that it looked as if he had never even had a heart attack (He has had 3!!!).

His doctor told him to continue doing whatever it was he was doing. Needless to say, we are all very excited to hear that!!!"
Mike Culbert, Founder of International Council for Health Freedom

History of Coronary Artery
Disease With Triple
Bypass Surgery

AS IT DID MINE! This morning I had my
ollow-up medical interview with my
secondary surgeon, having had
follow-up EKGs, echo cardiograms,
treadmills and the like, it now being 3 l/2
months following my valve replacement, triple bypass adventure.

So overwhelmingly positive and normal are the tests that he referred to me as "the cardiovascular surgery poster boy." Thank you for the Tower Ascorsine.

I had an immediate, direct and palpable response to the Tower Ascorsine-9 formula added to my program. This is good stuff! And I am back to intermittent EDTA chelation to help keep things working. I'm not claiming total victory yet by a long shot..."

Father With a History of Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension and Dialysis

"My mom and dad take the Tower Heart Technology™ product every day. My dad has all kinds of health problems and requires dialysis. Your product along with a healthier diet has transformed him into a new person.

He takes the Tower Pauling-therapy® product which contains vitamin C and other goodies. He eats healthier and he has eliminated refined sugar and flour from his diet. He had a quad-bypass a couple years back and then he started on dialysis shortly thereafter. After he started HT, he no longer takes medication for his high blood pressure or for his diabetes. He takes natural supplements for his diabetes. My dad's tubes that is used for dialysis usually clogs up 2-3 times a year, but he has not had them cleared up ever since he started using Tower Heart Technology™. He used to take blood thinner except in dialysis which they administer coumadin, but does not take them anymore. His stomach thanks him too. Aspirin made his stomach bleed.

Everyone in the family has caught the flu except for my dad. He eats better and exercises more than my Mom.

My mom takes the Tower product too and she no longer takes her meds for high blood pressure. She monitors it everyday and is back in the normal ranges. She is not diabetic though. They have never taken any natural supplements or vitamins until now.

I contacted you because I just wanted to know what I buy for my family and the Tower Pauling-therapy® product gets and A+ in my BOOK.

History of Coronary Artery Disease with 100% Blockage of the LAD and Chronic Angina

"I have a 100% blockage at the top of the LAD artery and had been using 2 jars a month. I read on your site that you had very little success with a 100% blockage. I stopped taking the formula and the angina came back."


Mother With 80% Coronary Artery Blockage

"My mother was diagnosed with an 80% blockage 18 months ago, but she would only take 1 jar of the Pauling therapy per month. Her last visit revealed that her blockages are all gone. The surprised doctor asked what she was doing - she told him about Tower Heart Technology. His response, "I doubt that could have any effect. On the other hand, I don't have 2 Nobel prizes..."

History of Three Heart Attacks and Severe Chronic Chest Pain

I have come from having angina so bad that I couldn't walk across the room without having to sit down and rest. Having the Doctors tell me that I would have to live with the angina for the rest of my life and that I needed to take life easy, no working, no yard work. My heart had heart damage and I had to learn to live with it. I couldn't accept that.

After having 3 heart attacks, I felt I had nothing to lose and everything to gain [trying Pauling's therapy] and I was lucky enough that I wasn't on any blood thinners except 1 Aspirin every 12 hours (I refused to take Coumadin) and the A-9 & Unique E and work with me.

Now I work 5 days a week. I got up at 6am did the laundry, clean the house and did 3 hours of weeding in my garden before I went to work this afternoon. Am I tired? YES but I feel great!!! NO ANGINA. I was willing to do anything to get my health and life back and I now have it. Would I do it again? YES The Heart Technology & Unique-E was the answer to my prayers and to my heart problem.

I hear from people who are looking for answers for their heart problems. I share with them about Heart Technology and Unique-E but I haven't heard back from anyone yet whether it has worked for them or if they ever started using both products? Some who would like to take the two products can't because: 1.The cost 2. Needs Doctor's okay 3. Already on blood thinners.

Most of the people I have talked to start out by taking Heart Technology and it does stop angina and helps your heart.

Everyone situation is different and you have to make the right choices for your situation.
Joe D. Muniz

History of Heart Disease and Chest Pain Heart

"This is to let you know that I started taking the therapy treatment on the 20th of January (2004), which was the day that I received it by the way, and I have started to feel better.  My wife lets me know that my breathing while asleep looks and sounds more normal than before and of course, this is good news to me because I feel that I can breathe and fill my lungs with more air while doing so. My chest pains have slowly but surely dissipated also.

I have a question that I would like answered. Does a person while on the heart therapy continue his regular medications and for how long? The reason I ask is because I take a lot of them and while I am doing both, there was the lingering question, for how long? Now what I mean of course is how long concerning the medications and not the heart therapy itself. Thank You, and reply soon please."



Coronary Artery Disease
(Angina, Heart Attack, Stents, Bypass)

Phyllis Harris, New Zealand

Heart Disease Patient with Reduction in Nitrolingual Use

"Thank you for sending my order of HEART TECH from Tower.  I have been having treatment for another problem and have had to stop taking the product for 2 months . . . The product is awesome and I haven't had to use nitrolingual, even when I was off it the 2 months.  I can now mop my floors without resting and I can walk anywhere without resting or having to use nitrolingual, after the doctors saying I would be using it for life.   Yes, I am very happy with these resullts.  Many, many thanks." 
Sameer Khanwalker, California

Heart Disease Patient with
Improvement in Angina, Blood
Pressure, Leg Pain, Energy,
and Stamina

"I re-ordered because the product, Heart
Technology,  has been very useful for me.  In just three weeks I can see the difference in myself.  My energy levels are up, I climbed inclines twice without feeling any angina pains, feel far less pain in my legs nowadays and generally am able to get by without much sleep in the day time now (I needed to sleep for a half hour at least thrice every day till last month)."

Update -

"My blood pressure is also under control now actually.  This morning at a check-up with my doctor's, it was 124-70, a considerable improvement since the time I started taking Heart Technology.  Before that it used to be around 145-150/90-100."
J. McGee, Rhode Island

62-Year-Old With a History of
Heart Disease at 36 With Bypass
Surgery and Recurrent Chest Pain,
Hypertension, Shortness of Breath,
and Decreased Energy - Now Back
to Golfing and Living a Normal Life
on Pauling Therapy Formula

"Most of my adult life I have had heart problems and twenty five years ago when I was 36 years old I had a Coronary double by-pass heart surgery.

The surgery was temporary because for the past seven or eight years I began having difficulty walking one hundred yards
without getting out of breath and having chest pains.

My heart doctor put me on Blood Pressure Meds which didn't work.

I did not want another heart surgery. No way no how.

So now, on June 15, 2009, I'm 62 years old and four or five months ago I somehow luckily found your Web site and read about ASCORSINE 9.

A long story short,  ASCORSINE 9  immediately made me feel energetic, less tired, and now after four months on the product I am able to WALK my golf course. That's eighteen holes of golf, carrying a golf bag on my shoulders and feeling like I'm 25 again.

My Blood Pressure has returned to 120/85.

By the way, the eighteen holes is about 3 miles...WOW...

Do not hesitate to use this product...it REALLY WORKS."
John & Ruby Wenskus (Retired Cardiologist)

History of Triple Bypass for Diagnosed Coronary Artery Disease With New Blockage Developing

October 18, 2002

"My wife has been on Heart Tech for 15 months now (1 jar HT) after 3 bypass. She had an additional artery closing down and the doctor was going to do brachatherapy on her when they went in one month after starting on Tower Heart Technology™ the blockage was gone and they backed out.

Bottom line, "This stuff WORKS!!

Update September 22, 2009

Thanks to heart tech! My wife is still doing just fine.

I'd like to relay an experience and knowledge I encountered with my health over the last year. During my routine exam about a year ago my Dr. noticed a burp in my left carotid artery and sent me for an Echo. It turns out I HAD a 30% blockage there. I was shocked since me and the wife take the same supplements. She cleared out, I'm blocking up.  So back to the books, the Internet, the library. When I finally figured it out I really felt stupid. The whole answer broke down to one equation "Mg/Kg"

In Dr Klenner's writings he describes his dosage for the various diseases he treated with V-C and how he applied it for the individual patients using their weight and this formula.  My wife weighs 110 lbs. 49.6 Kg and I weigh 195 lbs. 88 Kg. We take 3000 mg. a day. She figures at 3000/49.6=60.5 Mg/Kg V-C. Me 3000/88=34 Mg/Kg V-C I'm getting a little more than half of what she's getting. She's doing great, I'm going down hill. It was all too obvious I wasn't getting enough V-C.

So up I went to 6000 mg with no problem.  At about 8000 mg I started having a little problem but muscled thru it. Held at 8000 for three months then back down to 6000 mg.  At the four month Echo Follow up I had a so called "Fatty Streak" in the artery. Four months later June 09 Echo. Results were "Normal, See you Next year!"  So Score another one for Vitamin C.

I'll tell you one thing about the process of healing my carotid artery it sure lets you know something is happening there. A few times it felt like someone kicked me in the neck, now it's back to normal.

So What I learned is 34 Mg/Kg doesn't really give a whole lot of protection. 50 Mg/Kg would probably be better for preventive. At 60 Mg/Kg healing starts. At 90 Mg/Kg things really start to happen. In Dr. Klenner's writings he seemed to start his dosages at 100 Mg/Kg.  Of course he was IV-ing and shooting IM but he also used oral doses as follow ups at pretty good rates.

In the forum I noticed a few instances were people say things were going good at first when they took one of your products and then turned south. You rightfully tell them to titrate up but I can't help but to think how much has their weight changed. Playing with this formula I found even a five pound weight gain can put you in a different dosage range and if they were on the border to begin with now they're heading in the wrong direction.

So there you have it. Einstein Gave us E=Mc 2 and the world was amazed, but did it save a life? Klenner gave us Mg/Kg and no one noticed yet it could save millions of lives.  Before I let you go I came across this article that compares Lipid Theory with the Unified Theory. Very well written in plain language.

John Wenskus

LINK Below

The testimonials in this archive are cut and pasted from unsolicited emails from Tower customers.  No changes whatsoever have been made to their content, though spelling and punctuation errors have been corrected, and where requested, last names have been edited out to protect privacy. Several customers have submitted testimonials that discuss results for more than one illness. In these cases their testimonials are posted under the relevant categories.

Note:  We are required by law to state that the testimonials on this page are anecdotal reports from customers. There are no medical claims stated or implied by either the customers or by Tower Labs for these reports. The testimonials on this site are presented as anecdotal evidence and nothing more.  If one concludes that any testimonial on this site contains information that he would like to experiment with, then this is done by each individual on an experimental basis through his own choice, not because any claim is made, suggested or implied for any of the testimonials -- because, in fact, no claim is made, suggested or implied.

Jeffrey Bush, Salem, Ohio

Angina, Chest Pain, Heart Failure

I'm a 32 year old athlete
with unexplainable heart
failure/cardio problems.

I have been in the
hospital probably 15+
times in 3 years for
angina, chestpains, and
poor circulation, in which
I have had every test
done possible; even a
heart catherization
in which every test was
"negative", or the doctors
couldn't find what was wrong with me.

I continued to suffer these conditions until one day last November, I started developing a deep chest ache and daily fatique so bad that I could barely finish my day at work (I'm a salesman at a retail store, hardly strenious labor). It progressed to the point of horrible fatique, horrible heart palpitations, and awful chest pains to the point I felt like I was literally walking dead. My performance was slipping at work, I had to quit exercising and going to the gym. Everyday felt like a challenge to live and to survive; it was complete and utter hell.

I felt like I was at a complete loss. No help from my doctors...all the savings I had were eaten because of hospital bills. My girl had left me, I was going to lose my job, I lost being an athlete and everything that gave me an identity as a person. On top of feeling like death, I was on the verge of suicide from not knowing how to cope with all of this. Going from this perfect life to complete ruin was too hard to handle.

Desperate and searching, I did research based on my symptoms and ran into a forum talking about Linus Pauling therapy. I was reading from many people that had claimed success helping them with cardiovascular disease and illnesses, and although what I knew I faced felt much more serious, I was at the end of my rope, so that day I ordered a jar of Cardioade.

Within 3 days of using Cardioade, my heart palpitations and angina were going away shortly after I would drink a glass of Cardioade. The pains slowly came back in between throughout the day. At this point I talked to my doctor once again, and he concluded that my condition was unexplainable heart failure. I was diagnosed with stage 4 heart failure, and that my heart was very damaged and weakened. Unless something were to drastically change, I would have to consider a heart transplant. My doctor decided he wanted me to start beta blockers and other medications to save my life. I had read the horrible dangers of using pharmacy drugs and how they kill millions of people every year, and how they do NOT cure people. 

I decided I had nothing more to lose, and that I would put my life in the hands of the Pauling Therapy program. I had continuing taking the CardioAde and had then decided to start on the Ascorsine 9.

Six months later, I'am taking Ascorsine 9 and CardioAde throughout my day, and my life has improved incredibly. My heart palpitations are completely gone. I have no heart arrithmea. My energy levels have increased to the point where I can work a full day at my job now with small breaks every 3 hours. My capacity for exercise had increased from being almost bedridden and crippled to being able to do my Taekwondo forms and light/moderate exercise daily. My blood pressure went down, and is stable at about 125/80. I still have the deep ache in my chest from my heart not working correctly and some fatigue, but my doctor is astounded at my level of recovery. I have improved to only having level 2-3 heart failure at this point. I recently started dating again and now have a girlfriend. If at six months I have recovered this greatly with heart failure, I can only imagine how the Pauling Therapy could've saved this from all happening years ago when my angina started. I will continue taking this product forever, and I can only hope six months from now I have even greater news to report.

I'm completely certain, that without the Pauling Therapy I would not be writing this today. I would without question be a dead man.

I have started to smile and laugh for the first time since last November.

Thank you, for the bottom of my heart- literally. Your product has saved me, where my doctors have failed me.
Mike Culbert, Founder of International Council for Health Freedom
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Tower Laboratories Corporation   •   3395 S. Jones Blvd., #349   •    Las Vegas, NV  89146
(702) 876-5805

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