Jeffrey Bush, Salem, Ohio
Angina, Chest Pain, Heart Failure
August 4, 2011
I'am a 32 year old athlete with unexplainable heart failure/ cardio problems.
I have been in the hospital probably 15+ times in 3 years for angina, chestpains, and poor circulation, in which I have had every test done possible; even a heart catherization- in which every test was "negative", or the doctors couldn't find what was wrong with me.
I continued to suffer these conditions until one day last November, I started developing a deep chest ache and daily fatique so bad that I could barely finish my day at work (I'm a salesman at a retail store, hardly strenious labor). It progressed to the point of horrbile fatique, horrible heart palpitations, and awful chest pains to the point I felt like I was literally walking dead. My performance was slipping at work, I had to quit exercising and going to the gym. Everyday felt like a challenge to live and to survive; it was complete and utter hell.
I felt like I was at a complete loss. No help from my doctors...all the savings I had were eaten because of hospital bills. My girl had left me, I was going to lose my job, I lost being an athlete and everything that gave me an identity as a person. On top of feeling like death, I was on the verge of suicide from not knowing how to cope with all of this. Going from this perfect life to complete ruin was too hard to handle.
Desperate and searching, I did research based on my symptoms and ran into a forum talking about Linus Pauling therapy. I was reading from many people that had claimed success helping them with cardiovascular disease and illnesses, and although what I knew I faced felt much more serious, I was at the end of my rope, so that day I ordered a jar of Cardioade.
Within 3 days of using Cardioade, my heart palpitations and angina were going away shortly after I would drink a glass of Cardioade. The pains slowly came back in between throughout the day. At this point I talked to my doctor once again, and he concluded that my condition was unexplainable heart failure. I was diagnosed with stage 4 heart failure, and that my heart was very damaged and weakened. Unless something were to drastically change, I would have to consider a heart transplant. My doctor decided he wanted me to start beta blockers and other medications to save my life. I had read the horrible dangers of using pharmacy drugs and how they kill millions of people every year, and how they do NOT cure people.
I decided I had nothing more to lose, and that I would put my life in the hands of the Pauling Therapy program. I had continuing taking the CardioAde and had then decided to start on the Ascorsine 9.
Six months later, I'am taking Ascorsine 9 and CardioAde throughout my day, and my life has improved incredibly. My heart palpitations are completely gone. I have no heart arrithmea. My energy levels have increased to the point where I can work a full day at my job now with small breaks every 3 hours. My capacity for exercise had increased from being almost bedridden and crippled to being able to do my Taekwondo forms and light/moderate exercise daily. My blood pressure went down, and is stable at about 125/80. I still have the deep ache in my chest from my heart not working correctly and some fatigue, but my doctor is astounded at my level of recovery. I have improved to only having level 2-3 heart failure at this point. I recently started dating again and now have a girlfriend. If at six months I have recovered this greatly with heart failure, I can only imagine how the Pauling Therapy could've saved this from all happening years ago when my angina started. I will continue taking this product forever, and I can only hope six months from now I have even greater news to report.
I'am completely certain, that without the Pauling Therapy I would not be writing this today. I would without question be a dead man.
I have started to smile and laugh for the first time since last November.
Thank you, for the bottom of my heart- literally. Your product has saved me, where my doctors have failed me.
Jeffrey Bush